Department of Electrical Engineering
(Accredited by N.B.A.)

About Department

Electrical Engineering Department has been established in year 2010-11 with intake of 60 students and now with intake of 120. Department of Electrical Engineering is headed by Dr. R. A. Keswani. The department has qualified and rich experienced teaching faculty members. Department is having research orientation and has wide number of publications by the faculty members in referred journals and international and national conference. The Department has well equipped laboratories as per the requirements of curriculum with modern and sophisticated equipment to provide sufficient hands-on experience. Department has a vibrant student's forum "VIDYUT" which provides the students with a platform for overall development and show case their hidden talents through various activities.

Electrical energy is required extensively for residential and commercial use. Hence, Electrical Engineers have opportunities in various fields. The increasing demand of Electrical power necessitates competent Electrical Engineers -
capable of handling installation, maintenance and operation of power equipment and systems.
Industries manufacturing electrical machines and equipment need engineers for design, production and testing.

The major thrust in the field of electrical engineering curriculum is principles and detailed analysis of different types of equipment and systems for generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of Electrical Energy. In addition, curriculum of Electrical engineering has been revised by RTMNU, Nagpur and is now effectively augmented with many allied subjects related to electronics, computer, languages, etc.

Electrical Engineers can find employment in industries not restricted only to Electrical Engineering but related with-

  1. Telecommunication 
  2. Automobile & Electric Vehicle,            
  3. Automation,
  4. Manufacturing plants,
  5. Power Sector - Stations, Transmission & Distribution utilities, Plant Engineering
  6. IT Sectors - Computer hardware, Networking,
  7. Industrial design & maintenance and many others.